
James is unavailable, but you can change that!

Straight to the point, practical, affirming, convicting—that’s the book of James. In it, we see a picture of early Christians wrestling to apply the teachings of Jesus to their everyday lives. And we see a community plagued by divisiveness and hypocrisy, with an emphasis on wealth and status. James pulls no punches addressing these issues, calling for a faith that shows itself in moral actions:...

Introduction ON JANUARY 1, 1990, President Václav Havel1 of Czechoslovakia addressed his nation. It had been a few weeks since his country peaceably ousted the Communist totalitarian government that had held power for forty years. Only two days before, Havel had been elected President by a parliament still dominated by Communists. Havel said: We live in a contaminated moral environment.… We learned not to believe in anything, to ignore each other, to care only for ourselves. Concepts such as love,
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